London Cover Circuit is an international club of philatelic covers collectors who live all around the world. All covers you see on that blog have been sent by LCC members to headquarters. To join LCC it is FREE OF CHARGES. Please contact us at You will receive a copy of our rules and an application form. You will agreed as member when headquarters had got a cover in conformity with our rules.
mardi 30 mars 2010
dimanche 28 mars 2010
sent by Erwin Schneidereit

samedi 27 mars 2010
mercredi 24 mars 2010
sent by Roman Sudzik
comments from Roman
the postmark: Leon Barcszczewski (1849-1910) - the traveler, photographer - centenary of his death
the stamp : joint issue Poland - Israel - Mr Berek Joselewich, citizen of Poland, nationality - Jewish, the commander of underground army Jewish unit. He was shut in the battle with Austrian army in 1809 during the war of independance of Poland (since 1795 Poland was divided by Russia, Prussia and Austria)
samedi 20 mars 2010
sent by Roman Sudzik
comments written by Roman
the postmark : Chopin 2010 - exhibition 200th anniversary of birthday
the stamps : the XV International Piano Contest 2005 / Karol Szymanowski
explanation : the year 2010 is called "The Chopin Year", because of the bicentenary of his birthday
sent by Roman Sudzik
comments written by Roman
The commander of Polish units during WW I. At the end of war, moved to France, nominated the commander of Polish army in France (so called "the Blue Army" because of colour of uniforms).
This army took part in battles in Vosges and region of Champagne .
It was about 100 000 soldiers of Polish origine (from Poland, USA, Brazil; and the prison of war from Austrian and German armies)
It was completly equiped by France.
After war, the army was evacuated tp Poland, up to end of June 1919, took part in Polish/Ukrainian war 1919.
General Haller went to Pomerania, where German army was withdrawn.
On february 10, 1920, in Puck, general Haller - in the name of Poland, wedded the Baltic sea, and threw his golden ring into the water of Puck Bay.
And the postmark tells about this event.
General Haller was in opposition to Marshall Pilsudski, so soon he finished his military career.
During WW II, after defeat of Polish army, he moved to France. After defeat of France, he moved to USA.
At last, after WW II, he lived and died in Great Britain, in 1960.
vendredi 19 mars 2010
mercredi 17 mars 2010
sent by Roman Sudzik
Roman sent above explanation about his cover
stamp : The Europa issue - scounting
postmark : 130th anniversary of birthday of the Rev. Lutovslawski
Kazimierz Lutoslawski was born on march 4, 1880 in Drozdowo. In 1903, finished medical studies and began his job.
After 3 years of theological studies, in 1912 he became the catholic priest.
During WW I, he was the chaplain of Polish military units. He was also the very active politician.
Died on january 5, 1924 because of scarlet fever.
During his staying in UK in 1904, he got to know gen. Baden-Powel. In 1906, he formed the first children patrol like scout's English patrols. He cooperated with Andrzej and Olga Malkowski, who are known as founders of scouting in Poland.
Wrote several books on scounting.
He is the author of Polish Scout's Cross (shown on the postmark)
mardi 16 mars 2010
dimanche 14 mars 2010
samedi 13 mars 2010
sent by Leonhard Reith
Leonhard used for his cover German item from a joint issue with Austria & Hungary celebrating 20 years anniversary of the opening of borders between Austria and Hungary
samedi 6 mars 2010
mercredi 3 mars 2010
sent by Jean-Pierre Derlon

Quand la fête du timbre est transformée en fête du sabotage, voici une superbe réalisation de la poste française. Ce n'est malheureusement pas le premier exemple en provenance du département de la Nièvre - navrant..................
Jean-Pierre m'a également envoyé une belle carte maximum

mardi 2 mars 2010
lundi 1 mars 2010
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